Renfroe Medical
P.O.Box 1402
West Memphis, Ar. 72303
Web Site
Yearly Calibration & Electrical Safety Check-Up Procedure
We perform “on-site” once yearly ultrasound calibration and electrical safety check-ups on your therapy equipment.
This check-up includes the following:
Electrical AC line cord current leakage and ground resistance from wall outlet to unit’s case using a Fluke Model ESA609 safety analyzer.
Calibration check on Ultrasound heads with Ohmic UPM-DT-50SP calibrator using fresh de-gassed water.
(If meter is off, I will adjust It, if it is a Rich-Mar or a Chattanooga, All other brands will be noted on report)
EMS wave form output with Fluke 4 channel scope meter on units with AC line cords using factory approved dummy loads across each circuit.
Check to see if Patient Lead Cords comply with the May/9/2000 FDA lead cord law and general condition of cord.
Check general condition of equipment.
Written report with equipment serial numbers and description of condition of each unit.
Placement of safety check sticker on unit with next due date and removing old stickers.
Flat fee labor charge includes replacement of broken AC line cord plugs and minor repair of equipment plus cost of part.
If unit is broken and needs repair I will give you an estimate for the repair.
This check-up does not include the following:
Major repair of broken equipment
Check of equipment not owned by clinic
Computer and other office equipment
Drink dispensers or Coke machines
I do not calibrate patient testing equipment but I do check the AC line cord and condition of unit.
To make our charges easy to figure we came up with a simple formula.
Lets say your Therapy department has two Combo Ultrasound, EMS units with two Sound heads on each unit
and many tables, hot pack units and other things
Add all Ultra sound heads in your department.
( Some units have more than one head, The Rich-Mar hammer head has two crystals inside the head that have to be checked at 1MHz and then at 3MHz so they count as two heads, The Rich-Mar Auto head has four crystals inside that have to be checked at 1MHz and then at 3MHz and take a lot longer to calibrate but I only charge for two heads to calibrate that one too. The Chattanooga head has one crystal that have to be checked at 1MHz and then at 3MHz but I only charge one calibration fee for each head, there can be as many as 4 different size heads per unit.
1cm², 2cm², 5cm² & 10cm² ) Other brands are similar to the Chattanooga.
Multiply the total number of heads times $ 40.00 (4 heads x 40.00 = $160.00)
Add $ 400.00 to the amount above. ( $160.00 + $ 400.00 = $ 560.00)
The example shows the total price for your check-up is $ 560.00 + parts that you approve replacing + sales tax if you are required to pay it..
Safety checkups are designed to give you a snapshot of the condition the equipment is in at the time the checkup is performed. We claim no liability due to natural or unnatural malfunction of equipment post checkup.
Call 1-(800)-447-2492 for more information
Kent Renfroe
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